Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

hello friends,
it is january, 1 2014. i have pondered what word to focus on in 2014 and what i might want to work on....but i kept seeing this art i did last year.   i still find it amazing it is now a stamp at unity stamp company. a fun opportunity in 2013 that i hope carries over to 2014. i had chosen focus as my word for 2013....focus on art, following through on digital art, sell both, focus on me and my marriage....but then the babes came and i lost focus of all that and my focus became my daughter, who struggled with severe post-partem depression. i thought it was my job to keep her alive and the babes safe....a daunting task and a roller coaster ride. she has shown great strength and determination to overcome this illness and she is an incredible mother. she also went to college full time this fall. we are still working on sleeping issues for everyone....we never get enough especially my daughter. back to 2014....i don't know what is coming but i just keep thinking how the Savior is our greatest gift....he gave his life to me and you. so what gifts am i giving back or am i just floating along....2013 was a survival year.....but i want 2014 to be stay OPEN to giving Christ a hearted, open to art and opportunity, open to being a better person, wife, mother and nana. i won't have anymore time then before but if i am open minded and hearted i can be open to be in the moment and give freely kind words and love. i can be open to choose happiness....and open to let others choose who they want to be without it hurting me.  i think life is not so much about resolutions but living a life to be better today then yesterday....and sometimes goals help us get there....sometimes a word helps guide us to a better place....i think life is about keeping the greatest gift in our hearts everyday of the year and not just holidays that will help us become a better person.

what words, gifts, hopes or fears do you have for 2014?

ps in 2014 i will be doing an inspirational tuesday tag tutorial on my other blog it will include my, unity stamps and whatever art supplies are with in reach that tuesday.....join me next week....jan 7, 2014.